Thursday, July 05, 2007

They're Off!

The second-weekers are off!

Kim and her sister met at a airport-local hotel las evening, received a huge amount of sleep, and were scheduled to leave for the first trip of their leg to Mamelodi, South Africa at 6:45am.

Along with my wife and sister-in-law, I have several friends that are also traveling to South Africa. There are several blogs that I am watching. If you're interested, here they are:

Trip's Official Blog - The Crossroads Community Church Blog site - Comments that you leave on this site with traveler's names will be printed for them to read - I remember looking around the walls at support notes - it'll make any of the traveler's days if you leave a comment for them and they read it on the hotel's wall.

Rachel's Shine-On Blog - A just plain good blog of the trip, insightful and entertaining. It'll warm your heart.

Go Mamelodi Mama's - A college and family friend also on the IT Team. Carole is in the middle of the whole thing.

Computers for Mamelodi - A site of found through Google - an IT SWAT Team's site

Krisiti Earl's Blog - A Go-Group Partner of Kim and Kirstin

This Blog (Orange Shirt Guy) - Views of the Support network for Go Mamelodi 2007. My view of the assistance that I must have received during my Go Mamelodi 2006 trip. And also notes to my wife, sister-in-law, and friends should they have the opportunity to log on during the trip.

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